【单选题】【例题54·单选题】根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,关于在中国境内未设立机构、场所的非居民企业取得的来源于中国境内的所得,其应纳税所得额确定的下列表述中,不正确的是( )。(2017年) A.股息所得以收入全额为应纳税所得额 B.转让财产所得以收入全额为应纳税所得额 C.特许权使用费所得以收入全额为应纳税所得额 D.租金所得以收入全额为应纳税所得额
【判断题】The man will be informed by email when the book is checked in.
【单选题】Which of the following is not the annouyance of email?
no immediate response.
no promise that the mail will be read carefully enough.
no need of all the unnecessary chitchat
no way to ensure it will be read the moment it is received.
【单选题】A user calls about a problem with receiving email. After troubleshooting the user’s computer and finding nothing wrong, the technician contacts the email sender and finds out the user gave out their e...
“Sometimes computers are just strange, but it seems to be working now.”
“You gave them the wrong address and caused this problem.”
“The sender had the e-mail address wrong, but they have it correct now and the problem has been resolved.”
“The SMTP server was not getting a proper resolution of the recipient name field when it was parsing the header.”
【单选题】资本主义国家的职能以服务于资本主义制度和( )为根本内容,包括对内和对外两个基本方面。
【简答题】Completing the following two replies according to the email you have received or the business background information given. A S/C No. XGC1811 covering 3500 pieces of Cotton Shirting is signed by and b...