【单选题】The driver immediately pulled over to the side of the highway
【多选题】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于 800字的文章。 情景一:某教师讲解朱自清名篇《背影》,讲得声情并茂,学生似乎不为所动,反而对文中的父亲费力攀爬月台、穿过铁道、捧回桔子的举动质疑: “这是否属于违反交通规则?” 情景二:宇文强老师以 “令我感动的一件事”为题让学生作文,结果发现作文大多内容空洞、言之无物,于是问学生:“难道没有让我们感动的事吗?”学生纷纷摇头,教师很不甘心,循循善诱道:“生病...
【单选题】The men on board the ship pulled in the driver ______ they feared was seriously injured.
【判断题】通过课文的学习,我们知道了通知一件事情时要把时间、地点说清楚。( )
【单选题】The men on board the ship pulled in the driver ______ they feared Was seriously injured.
【单选题】The ambulance driver pulled up his car ______ a policeman waving to him.