【单选题】“以僧为师”“以吏为师”是古代( )的教育特征
【单选题】Some EU diplomats worry that Russia may use the deal to increase its military competence.
【单选题】依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( ) 1《牡丹亭惊梦》中的[皂罗袍](原来姹紫嫣红开遍)一曲借景抒情,富于诗情画意,是历来( )的名曲,简直可与唐诗宋词的名作相媲美。 2没有深厚的生活积淀和艺术功底是写不出( )高的诗歌作品的。 3四十年后再到母校,他( )的记忆被激活了,许多人和事又清晰地浮现在脑海中...
【单选题】Some EU contries agree with the import controls.
【单选题】Some EU members such as Germany are opposing the plan because Iran may take advantage of the treaty to develop its nuclear program.
【单选题】This passage mainly talks about ______ .
The drug situation in EU as a whole and in some countries specifically.
the reason why Britain and Spain have the highest proportion of cocaine users in the EU.
the connection between HIV epidemic and heroin injecting.
the future steps the EU will take to reduce the rate of drug use.