【简答题】如图是一个方格迷宫,甲、乙两人分别位于迷宫的A、B两处,现以每分钟一格的速度同时出发,在每个路口只能向东、西、南、北四个方向之一行走.若甲向东、向西行走的概率均为 1 4 ,向南、向北行走的概率分别为 1 3 和p,乙向东、南、西、北四个方向行走的概率均为q (1)求p和q的值; (2)设至少经过t分钟,甲、乙两人能首次相遇,试确定t的值,并求t分钟时,甲乙两人相遇的概率.
【单选题】( )则是京津冀乃至华北地区,最核心、最繁忙的港口之一。
【判断题】要发行新股,具备的条件之一是公司在最近5年内财务会计文件无虚假记载。( )(4.0分)
【单选题】Ever since the patients moved to the new hospital last year, they better medical treatment.
【单选题】点 P(-1,-2,1)到平面 x + 2 y - 2z - 5 = 0 的距离为( ). A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6
【单选题】The facilities of the older hospital are ______ the new hospital.
as good or better than
as good as or better as
as good as or better than
as good as or better than those of
【单选题】点M (-1,5,3)到 平面2 x-3y-6z-7=0 的距离为( )
【单选题】The new hospital was opened this morning,attracting the attention of all local media.
【简答题】P45 T2, 4, 7 , 8(3,5), 11(3) P51 T2, 3, 5 (1), 7 注意: 作业独立完成后请先比对教材后面的参考答案,反思、或提问、或讨论并修改正确后,再提交。