【简答题】下面是李老师的教育日志: 早上在分早餐时,多了一块蛋糕,我就顺手给了旁边的莉莉,没想到我这无心之举却引发了一场风波,莉莉在小朋友面前炫耀起来:“这是李老师多给我吃的。”其他孩子有的向她投去了羡幕的眼神,向我桌上投来搜寻的眼神。孩子们接着纷纷议论起来,有的一本正经地说:“她小,所以李老师才给她吃的呢!”有的愤愤不平地说:“李老师一定是喜欢莉莉。” 这时,我才意识到事情的“严重”性。我的举动欠考虑,冷...
【多选题】Which pieces of the evidence below are relevant to the essay topic on the economic effects of tobacco use?
Analysis of US expenditure data show that the average US smoker spends over $700 a year on tobacco products, which for the average US family comprises a large proportion of discretionary spending.
UNICEF estimates that over 200 million children aged under 5 years in low income countries are malnourished, and the malnutrition contributes to about 6 million deaths among these children each year.
The total domestic output arising from the activities of the tobacco industry was valued at $8 billion.
Crop substitution is often proposed as a means to reduce the tobacco supply, but there is scarcely any evidence that it reduces consumption, since the incentives to farmers to grow tobacco are currently much greater than for most other crops.
【单选题】Given the economic and time constraints in which auditors can collect evidence about management assertions about the financial statements, the auditor normally gathers evidence that is:
completely convincing.
【简答题】材料: 下面是李老师的教育日志:下午的点心是每人一块蛋糕、一杯牛奶,孩子们像往常一样静静品尝着自己的那一份。发完后,我发现袋子里还有一块蛋糕,就随手给了旁边的莉莉,可没想到我着了无心之举却引起了一场“风波”,莉莉脸上露出了得意的笑容,举起了那块蛋糕,在小朋友面前炫耀起来:“这是李老师多给我吃的。”其他孩子有的向她投去了羡幕的眼神,向我桌上投来搜寻的眼神。孩子们接着纷纷议论起来,有的一本正经地说:“...
【多选题】Which pieces of the evidence below are relevant to the essay topic on the economic effects of tobacco use?
UNICEF estimates that over 200 million children aged under 5 years in low income countries are malnourished, and the malnutrition contributes to about 6 million deaths among these children each year.
The total domestic output arising from the activities of the tobacco industry was valued at $8 billion.
Analysis of US expenditure data show that the average US smoker spends over $700 a year on tobacco products, which for the average US family comprises a large proportion of discretionary spending.
Crop substitution is often proposed as a means to reduce the tobacco supply, but there is scarcely any evidence that it reduces consumption, since the incentives to farmers to grow tobacco are currently much greater than for most other crops.