【多选题】下列关于板式橡胶支座说法正确的是( )。
【简答题】在Dreamweaver中插入标题的两种方法是单击 菜单中的“标题”;单击 面板中的“标题”
a. is used to monitor the performance of the overall economy but is not the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being.
b. is used to monitor the performance of the overall economy and is the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being
c. is not used to monitor the performance of the overall economy but is the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being.
d. is not used to monitor the performance of the overall economy and is not the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being
【简答题】二.“是以圣人常善救人,故无弃人;常善救物,故无弃物”给予后世管理者的智慧启示是( )( )。(选二)