系儿童影星,年满9周岁,片酬颇丰。其父军的亲弟强,家居山区,生活 较为困难。军征得的口头同意后,将的片酬30以的名义赠与强。 对军的这一民事行为的效力,正确的是( ) A. 有效。军为其法定代理人,有权处理其财产 B. 有效。军已征得的同意 C. 无效。军未征得母亲的同意 D. 无效。军处理的财产不是为了的利益
【简答题】The concept of a national park differs from nation to nation. In Australia, the United States and Japan the land in national parks is government-owned and the management of these parks is decided by ...
【简答题】Task 2 The idea of a national park differs from nation to nation. In Australia, the United States and Japan, the land in national parks is government-owned and the management of these parks is decided...