【简答题】Most people want to get married and lead a happy ___life. However,
marriage is not easy to manage. If you can’t ___ some problems, your
marriage will ___ fail. My husband and I have been married for n...
【单选题】固定资产管理有四个步骤:1. 计划采购 2. 到货验收 3. 登记入库 4. 日常管理。其中 ( ) 属于登记入库步骤。
【单选题】患者女性,13岁,因“无明显诱因出现右背部疼痛”来诊。查体:步态不稳,双下肢乏力,走路须人扶,无其他部位放射痛。既往史无特殊,无药物过敏史。查体:体温36.6℃,咽部充血,双侧扁桃体Ⅱ度大。血常规:白细胞32.5×10 9 /L,血红蛋白52g/L,红细胞1.93×10 9 /L,血小板31×10 9 /L,外周血中见幼稚细胞。骨髓穿刺检查:急性淋巴细胞性白血病(ALL-L3型)。影像学检查:腹腔...
【判断题】作为一种买卖活动,保险活动是即时结清的买卖行为。( )
【单选题】听力原文:M: How about that grade I got on the final? W: I thought you would fail after you had lost your notes. Q: What does the woman mean? (19)
He did better than expected.
He always gets excellent grades.