【判断题】汇总记账凭证会计核算形式适用于规模大、经济业务较多的单位。 ( )
【单选题】汇总记账凭证会计核算形式适用于( )的单位。
【判断题】Relative PPP may be valid even when absolute PPP is not, provided the factors causing deviations from absolute PPP are more or less stable over time.
【单选题】余额宝开始发行时一个突出特点,是所募集的客户资金绝大多部分投向 ( )。
【单选题】交替氧化酶(抗氰氧化酶)途径的P/O等于( )。
【单选题】Which of the following statements is the most accurate?
Relative PPP may be valid even when absolute PPP is not, provided the factors causing deviations from absolute PPP are more or less stable over different commodities space.
Absolute PPP may be valid even when relative PPP is not, provided the factors causing deviations from relative PPP are more or less stable over time.
Relative PPP may be valid even when absolute PPP is not, provided the factors causing deviations from absolute PPP are more or less stable over time.
Relative PPP is not valid when absolute PPP is not.
Relative PPP is only valid when absolute PPP is valid, providing the factors causing deviations from relative PPP are more or less stable over time.
【单选题】在软文写作中,写出比较有吸引力的软文标题,一定要做到( )和戳中痛点。