【多选题】根据仲裁法律制度的规定,下列各项中属于仲裁基本原则的有( )。(2018年)
【单选题】检验高阶自相关性的主要方法有 ( ) 。 A . DW 检验 ; B . 回归检验法 ; C . 偏自相关系数检验 ; D . Q 统计量检验 ; E . 拉格朗日乘数检验
【简答题】Part A Write a letter of apology. You made an appointment with Richard to go to a concert together, but you lost the tickets. Write a letter to Richard to express your apology and invite him to go to ...
【简答题】下列各项中,属于仲裁基本原则的有 下列各项中,属于仲裁基本原则的有 A.自愿原则 B.依据事实和法律,公平合理地解决纠纷的原则 C.独立仲裁原则 D.一裁终局原则
【单选题】What factors are not required to get involved in a letter of apology?
corresponding compensation
【多选题】Choose the items often included in a letter of apology
explanation of the reason
good wish for the customer
apology to the customer
solutions for the problems
【多选题】根据仲裁法律制度的定,下列各项中属于仲裁基本原则的有( )