【单选题】?Read the article below about the difficulties of managing a small business, and the questions on the opposite page. ?For each question 13—18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for ...
It is wrong to assume that they are different from other managers.
The problems they have to cope with are specific to small businesses.
They find it difficult to attract staffs with sufficient expertise.
They could learn from the organizational skills of managers in large companies.
【单选题】?Read the following article about a British businessman and the questions. ?For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C o r D) on your Answer Sheet. George Kamp is the kind of tough English no...
He has problems with management.
Another company wants to gain control of it.
He is looking for new advisers to help run it.
There have been complaints about his management style.
【单选题】炭疽杆菌之所以能引起美国人的恐慌,主要原因之一是能产生两种成分的蛋白质内毒素。有的科学家将该菌的大型DNA分子破坏,该菌仍然能产生内毒素。请分析推断,应该再破坏该菌的什么结构,才能使它从根本上不再产生内毒素( )
【单选题】女性患儿, 2 岁,因呼吸困难给予氧疗,合适的给氧方法是
【单选题】Some students lose marks in reading comprehension (阅读理解) _____ because they don't read the question carefully. [ ]
【单选题】有人这样评价商鞅及其变法 , “商鞅可以称为中国历史上第一个真正彻底的改革家 , 他的改革不仅限于当时 , 更影响了中国数千年 ” 。 下列关于商鞅变法对中国历史发展影响的叙述 , 正确的是 1客观上有利于中国结束分裂 , 走向统一 2重农抑商政策成为后世奉行的基本经济政策 3专制主义中央集权制度大行于世 4对人民实行从精神到肉体的严格控制 , 成为后世帝王的统治原则
【单选题】•Read the following passage below about a Chairman's Statement. •For each question (23-28), choose the correct answer. •Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer sheet. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Despite t...
It laced increased competition.
It wanted to enter new markets.
It initiated a policy of expansion.