【单选题】为全面建设小康社会, 1997 年时任福建省委副书记的习近平来到宁夏,调研对口帮扶工作。 2016 年 7 月 18 日至 20 日,习近平总书记再次来到宁夏进行调研,并到银川市永宁县闽宁镇回族移民海国宝家中看望。海国宝说 “ 我们这个地方,最缺的就是水 ” 。老家在福建晋江、多年从事葡萄酒行业的陈德启, 2007 年到宁 夏发展,他将一望无际的戈壁滩变成 10 万亩有机葡萄生态产业园,并吸收 3...
【判断题】Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation, spelling and meaning of it.
【判断题】Knowing a word only means Knowing its meaning.
【判断题】Knowing a word means to know the denotative and connotative meaning of the word.
【简答题】What does knowing a word involve?Knowing a word means knowing its_____ and _____;Knowing a word means knowing its _____ and _____;Knowing a word means knowing its _____;
【判断题】Knowing a word means that you can read the word.
【判断题】Knowing a word means to know its pronunciation and spelling.