There is a special life stage that our generation goes through. It is the 1) period, during which we move from teenage to adolescence. We learn who we are and what we stand for and what inspires us. Also, in this period we are 2) with a lot of pressure from our parents who want us to make something out of ourselves. My parents have already expressed feelings of 3) over my future with academics and life. When I expressed to them recently that I would not mind graduating in five years instead of four in order to study abroad to 4) myself with the world, they seemed so shocked. That idea sounded foreign and to them was 5) to lack of ambition. Apart from that, my mother has 6) to me that she is worried that I am not searching for a boyfriend. I 7) this stupid idea of marrying out of college since it does not suit me one bit. Women today can get what they want out of life without a man, even children, as it becomes more 8) for women to adopt children. I personally want to stay in school as long as I can to 9) my academic work, possibly complete a law degree and start a career, and then after, and only after, begin to think about 10) to marriage. If my math is correct, that means I will be more or less "ready" for marriage at the age of 29 or 30, the age when my mother had me.