【简答题】翻译下列句子: The pressure from both directions—the salespeople wanting commitment for fabric and the production supervisor or owner wanting salable garments—often falls on the designer.
【单选题】洪某,女,52岁。因绞窄性肠梗阻行“回肠部分切除术”,术后4天病人出现腹痛,以脐周最为明显,腹腔引流管间断引出血性液每天约200ml。体检:T38. 5°C,R22次/分P95次/分,BP135/76mmHg。腹胀,脐周中度压痛,未扪及肿块,肠鸣音弱。血常规:白细胞13. 5×10 9/L,中性粒细胞比例0. 83。关于该病人的护理,错误的是
【简答题】翻译下列句子: When the designer styles a garment, he or she must consider the price of every detail from the initial cost of the fabric to trims and construction methods.
【简答题】翻译下列句子: During the same period, the young junior customer may be buying authentic work overalls , the young missy (contemporary) customer may be looking for copies of European ready-to-wear , and the ...
【简答题】翻译下列句子: If the designer chooses a wash-and-wear fabric but lines the garment with a fabric that must be dry-cleaned,, this defeats the fabric’s purpose.
【简答题】翻译下列句子: Some designers review lines with either a stylist or the owner of the house, but most manufacturers encourage the designer to make aesthetic decisions about fabric.