【单选题】Hydropower facilities in the Himalaya are mentioned in the passage to show that __________
those facilities are outdated
they are equipped with advanced technologies
climate change has some negative influence on them
they should be maintained carefully due to their location
【简答题】Translate the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given below. 常言道, 好的开始是成功的一半。在求职时,求职者事先做好充分的准备是非常重要的。我认为,事先做不做准备显然会影响求职者的成功机会。 我的一位朋友在一家大型计算机软件公司供职,年薪十万美元左右。他根据自己的经历告诉我说,那些面试...
【简答题】听力原文:Welcome to our series on renewable resources. The topic today is hydropower. As you most probably know, 'hydro' means water—so we are talking about using water to generate electricity. Of course,...
【简答题】已知:直线AB和点C的投影,且水平线DC⊥AB,DC长40mm(图2-5a)。 求作:线段DC的投影。
【简答题】如图,在菱形ABCD中,∠A=60°, =4,O为对角线BD的中点,过O点作OE⊥AB,垂足为E. (1)求∠ABD 的度数; (2)求线段 的长.
【简答题】过点P(2,1)作抛物线y 2 =4x的弦AB,若弦恰被P点平分, (1)求直线AB所在直线方程;(用一般式表示) (2)求弦长|AB|。
【简答题】已知⊙O的弦AB长为4,将线段AB延长到点P,使BP=2;过点P作直线PC切⊙O于点C。 (1)求线段PC的长; (2)作⊙O的弦CD交AB于点Q(CQ<DQ),且Q为AB 中点,又CD=5,求线段CQ的长。
【简答题】过点P(2,1)作抛物线y 2 =4x的弦AB,若弦恰被P点平分 (1)求直线AB所在直线方程;(用一般式表示) (2)求弦长|AB|.