学习词汇,并完成填空。 Interview DID You KNOW? - - When a company employs new staff, they are taken on (U.K.) or hired (U.s.), When these employees then decide to leave, they resign or hand in their notice/resignation. When employees have to leave because they did something wrong, they are dismissed or their contracts are terminated. More informally, they are sacked (U.K.) or fired (U.s . ). If they have to leave because a company can no longer employ them (e.g. due to bankruptcy or downs i zing), the employee is made redundant (U.K.), let go (U.s.), or even offered early retirement. When an employee is laid off (to layoff), it is usually only temporary (for a season or because of a drop in production) but sometimes it can be permanent. 9 Complete the sentences with some of the expressions above. 1 My best marketing assistant _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ __ ' She's got herself another job with more money! 2 Will we be able to __ _ _ ___ _ ___ __ _ a replacement when John h ands in his -- -- -- --- - --- -? 3 We can't continue working in these freezing temperatures, so we'll have to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ six workers until the end of February. 4 Those staff who can ' t relocate to the new factory in the north when we close down will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 5 Fill me in on the details; I believe one of our shop assistants has been __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ for stealing, is that right? 6 A new directive from head office has been introduced that al l employees over 63 will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .