【多选题】旅行社组织中国内地居民出境旅游,不为旅游团队安排领队全程陪同的,由旅政管理部门( )。
【单选题】下列对幼儿进行社会性教育的途径中,属于渗透性社会教育活动的是( )
【单选题】Paragraph 2 Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overal...
In an office building.
【简答题】某人编写如下函数来判断a是否为素数,若是,则函数返回True;否则返回False Function Prime(a As Integer)AS Boolean Dim k As Interger,isprime AS Boolean If a<2 Then isprime=False Else isprime=True k=2 Do While k If a Mod k=0 Then isprim...
【判断题】对跨行政区域适宜进行整体利用的旅游资源进行利用时,应当由上级人民政府组织编制或者由相关地方人民政府协商编制统一的旅游发展规划。( )
【多选题】下列属于教育的相对独立性的表现的是( )