【单选题】驾驶机动车在高速公路遇到能见度低于200米的气象条件时,最高车速是多少? A、不得超过100公里/小时 B、不得超过90公里/小时 C、不得超过80公里/小时 D、不得超过60公里/小时
【单选题】当延长点不通视时,可用测设( )的方法进行延长测设。
【单选题】According to the fourth paragraph.what should the organization do about the impact of the stress?
The organization should take some measures to prevent stress and provide more freedom for the employees.
It is in the organization'S best interest to reduce the amount of distress coming from the organizational change,so as to enhance its human resource potential.
The organization should disregard the impact,otherwise,the interest and efficiency could be affected.
The organization should know what causes the stress and eliminates the origins of the stress.
【单选题】According to the third paragraph, what should the organization do about the impact of the stress?
The organization should take some measures to prevent stress and provide more freedom for the employees.
It is in the organization's best interest to reduce the amount of distress coming from the organizational change, so as to enhance its human resource potential.
The organization should disregard the impact, otherwise, the interest and efficiency could be affected.
The organization should know what causes the stress and eliminates the origins of the stress.