【简答题】根据材料,回答下列各题。 刘先生,男,34岁,大学本科学历,原是一家企业的销售人员,一年前遭遇一场交通事故,造成双腿截肢并因此失去了工作。 刘先生的妻子在房地产公司工作,虽收入不错,但工作很辛苦,无暇照顾刘先生。刘先生的儿子10岁,上小学四年级,学习成绩一直名列前茅。出事后,刘先生的母亲搬过来照顾他的日常起居,但自己的身体也不太好,照顾起来明显感到吃力,社区中也没有相应的机构可以为刘先生提供照顾和...
【单选题】Paraphrase: Choosethe choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence.Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recommend ...
Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey recommend the product.
Most doctors recommend the product.
【单选题】Paraphrase : Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence. Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recomme...
Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey recommend the product.
Most doctors recommend the product.
Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
【单选题】圆周率是一个无穷小数,到目前为止,电脑已能计算圆周率到小数点后约100万兆位。世界上第一个把圆周率的数值计算到小数点后7位数的人是( )。
【简答题】编写程序 pi.py ,模拟蒙特·卡罗计算圆周率近似值的方法,输入掷飞镖次数,然后输出圆周率近似值。 蒙特 · 卡罗方法是一种通过概率来得到问题近似解的方法, 在很多领域都有重要的应用,其中就包括圆周率近似值的计算问题。假设有一块边长为 2 的正方形木板,上面画一个单位圆,然后随意往木板上扔飞镖,落点坐标 (x, y) 必然在木板上(更多的时候是落在单位圆内),如果扔的次数足够多,那么落在单位圆内...
【单选题】Paraphrase : Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence. Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recomme...
Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
Most doctors recommend the product.
If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey recommend the product.
【简答题】根据下列题干,回答下列四题: (题干)彩色的荒漠雷抒雁从库尔勒出城不久,车子就离开国道,进入油田公路。新修的油田公路,像一支黑亮的箭镞直直地射向前方。前方,是茫茫的戈壁,是黄沙漫漫的塔克拉玛干沙漠,是举世闻名的西气东送的第一口气井。车子全速奔驰在戈壁上。在我们的视野里,地平线的远处,是无遮无拦的穹隆和淡淡升腾着的云朵。开阔的戈壁,像是一方棋盘,偶尔看见一团两团圆圆的草棵,像是刻意摆下的一局残棋。生...