【简答题】【案例】女,46岁。突发上腹痛14小时,频繁呕吐胃内容物,疼痛阵发性加剧,向右肩放射2小时后发热伴腹胀,无寒战、腹泻。既往有上腹饱胀5年,按“胃痛”治疗后,偶有好转。查体:T: 38.5℃,P:101次/分,BP:95/40mmHg,P:23次/分。心肺无异常,腹胀明显,腹部尚软,上腹压痛,肝脾未触及,腹部无移动性浊音。急诊应做哪些重点检查 A.血电解质检查 B.血常规 C.血尿淀粉酶 D.腹部B...
【简答题】听力原文:Hello, can I have two tickets for tomorrow evening, please? Hope you still have some left. Are tickets on the second floor cheaper? OK, I'd like to sit on the second floor near the front row but ...
【单选题】在中央网络安全和信息化领导小组第一次会议上,习近平提出"网络强国"战略。他指出,网络安全和信息化是事关国家安全和国家发展、事关广大人民群众工作生活的重大战略问题。他进一步强调,没有网络安全就没有国家安全。维护网络安全,我们应( )。 1增强网络安全风险意识,树立正确的网络安全观 2不随意发表不实言论,以免产生恶意舆论危害国家政治安全 3保护好个人敏感信息、数据,避免信息泄露 4不要轻信虚假中奖等诈...
【单选题】Dialogue Three Speaker A: Hello. Can I be of service to you? Speaker B : I’m just window shopping. Speaker A: You are always welcome.___8_____ Speaker B: They look very interesting, especially the yel...
You look so smart in the imperial gown.
Do you want to try any other size again?
We sell all kinds of things used in ancient Chinese Imperial Palaces.
in my country purple is associated with being noble.
【单选题】维生素D缺乏性佝偻病患儿胸廓骨骼改变多见于下列何种年龄的儿童( ):
【单选题】Jack:Hello? Can I speak to Mr. Smith? Gina: I am sorry, but he ’ s out now. ____________
Let me check his schedule.
You can call again later.
【单选题】听力原文:M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you? W: Oh, hello. I saw your advertisement in the paper today and I thought I' d phone to find out a bit more. M: Yes, certainly, we' re a sort o...