acute, inspection, microbes, genetically, c ontaminated, biotechnology, keeps watch over, clean up, refrigeration, certification Every year, enough food falls through the safety net to kill at least 9,100 Americans and make at least 6.5 million others sick. That is only illness Although growers, manufacturers, and retailers retain primary responsibility for the safety of their products, the federal government, in cooperation with state and local governments, the industry. The federal government monitors state and local programs. Food products under FDA jurisdiction generally require no pre-market . Harmful in food cause nearly all cases of acute food-borne illness in the United States. We depend on refrigeration to keep food safe in transport, but the listeria bacterium can survive . This issue drew attention in 1991, when Calgene, a California firm, asked FDA to informally concur with its plans to market a tomato engineered to remain firm during shipment. FDA is still reviewing the case. The government has already taken some steps to internal problems.