23-Unit4 Part5.mp3: Forairline reservations and information, you can call the airline’s regulartelephone number for recorded arrival and departure information. l Susan is in Honolulu, Hawaii now. l She is having a party tonight and hasinvited her five best friends. l Her friends are coming from differentcities on different airlines. l She wants to meet them at the airport, soshe calls each airline for information. Youare going to hear three recordings for three different airlines in Honolulu(preferably only one time). After that you are going to listen to severalstatements giving you detailed information about her friends. Write down theinformation that she needs according to the notes you have taken whilelistening. 1. Flight number: 1) 41 Arrival time: 2) 12:05 a.m. Meet passengers at: 3) Baggage Claim Area 14 For more information: 4) 5235611