【单选题】An organism uses radiant energy as their energy source and carbon dioxide as their carbon source. Which type of metabolism does this organism possess?
【单选题】下列关于简报的解说,不正确的一项是 A. 简报一般由报头、主体、报尾三部分组成。它具有汇报性、交流性、报道性和连续性等转点。 B. 在简报报头中,期数在简报名称的下面,期数左下方写印刷时间,右下方写编发单位名称。 C. 简报的正文就是简报所刊的一篇或几篇文章。 D. 简报的报尾包括简报的发送范围和印发份数。
【单选题】An organism is capable of oxidizing fatty acids to obtain energy, hydrogen, electrons and carbon. Which type of metabolism does this organism possess?