【单选题】再灌注时应避免同时,多人站在轨道板上而导致度数异常。上浮值不应小于( ),否则应及时配合测量人员调整压紧装置,保证轨面标高。
【简答题】已知数列{ a n }、{ b n }满足: a 1 = 1 4 , a n + b n =1, b n+1 = b n 1- a n 2 . (1)求a 2 ,a 3 ; (2)证数列{ 1 a n }为等差数列,并求数列{a n }和{ b n }的通项公式; (3)设S n =a 1 a 2 +a 2 a 3 +a 3 a 4 +…+a n a n+1 ,求实数λ为何值时4λS n <b n...
【多选题】某渠道用直径 d=0.7m 的混凝土虹吸管自河中向渠道引水。河道水位与渠道水位的高差为 5m ,虹吸管长度 l 1 =8m , l 2 =12m , l 3 =14m ,混凝土虹吸管沿程水头损失系数 λ 为 0.022, 进口局部水头损失系数 ζ 1 =0.5 ,两个弯头的局部水头损失系数 ζ 2 =ζ 3 =0.365 ,出口局部水头损失系数 ζ 4 =1.0 。则: 1通过虹吸管的流量为( )...
【单选题】数字硬盘录像机大多支持SATA接口硬盘,以下对SATA接口描述正确的是( )。
【单选题】During the 1960’s and 1970’s, the primary economic development strategy of local governments in the United States was to attract manufacturing industries. Unfortunately, this strategy was usually impl...
advocate more effective strategies for encouraging the developemtn of high-technology enterprises in the United States
contrast the incentives for economic developemnt offered by local governments with those offered by the private sector
acknowledge and counter adverse criticism of programs being used to stimulate local economic development
define and explore promotional efforts used by local governments to attract new industry
review and evaluate strategies and programs that have been used to stimulate economic development