【单选题】学生为获得相应的地位和威望而努力学习的动力属于( )。
【简答题】Which of the following does the author NOT express? [A] The function of toys is to inspire play. [B] Good toys are very important to the children's growth. [C] Toys should be chosen according to child...
【单选题】Which preconfiguration task is necessary for VoiceView Express? ()
Ensure that the authentication server URL points to Cisco Unity Express.
Ensure that authentication server is owned by the JTAPI user on Cisco Unity Express.
Ensure that all phones point to the authentication server URL owned by Cisco Unity Express.
Ensure that all phones that are owned by the JTAPI user point to the authentication server URL on Cisco Unity Express.
【单选题】认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力在动机结构中所占的比重并非一成不变。在( )附属内驱力最为突出 A.儿童早期 B.少年期 C.青年期 D.成年期
【单选题】测试导入单选题11制作顶汤时,水料比与其他汤是一样的,但由于( )使顶汤的浓度比其他汤要高。
【简答题】建筑物基础的垫层尺寸为 30 ×6 0m ,基坑深 2.0m ,场地土为II类土。挖土时四面放坡,在基坑底周边设置排水沟,即 a + b + c=0.8m 。边坡坡度为 1:0.75 。已知土的可松性系数为 (Kp=1.2,Kp'=1.04) (1)土方开挖量是多少? (2) 若室外地坪以下混凝土垫层及基础总体积为1500立方米 ,其余空间用原土回填,剩余土全部外运,应外运多少土?
【单选题】认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力,在动机结构中所占的比重并非一成不变,在( )附属内驱力最为突出。
【单选题】当儿童为了赢得父母的赞扬、老师的喜爱或同伴的尊重而努力学习时,他的成就动机是属于(? ? )[1分]