【简答题】汉族人数众多,分布广泛,受特殊地域的限制,呈现出不同的民居式样。北方以北京的 ___为 主要代表,黄土高原上是错落有致的 ___ ,南方以 ___ 瓦房居多,闽赣粤地区的客家人则居住 ___ ,另有徽派建筑、江南的水乡民居上海的石库门等,都具有鲜明的地域文化特征。
【单选题】The college student decided to ______ the boy with his study.
【简答题】Allan comes from America. His father works in Beijing and his family come to , too. The boy is studying in our school. He is only four, but he is than the other boys. So he sits in Row Six. Allan’...
【单选题】如果想用来管理内部企业员工、团队,对内使用,建议使用以下哪种公众号( )
【简答题】The boy (study) ________ English sometimes.