【多选题】关于迁徙现象表述正确的是( ) The correct descriptions about the migration phenomenon are ( )
迁徙是一种寻求新的居住地的行为,失败后,往往会产生居住地与目的地的往返 Migration is the act of finding a new place to live. After failure, it often leads to the return from the place of residence to destination.
迁徙是一种留居不定的生存方式,不是一种以居住地为原点的旅行活动 Migration is a resident indefinite way of life, not a place of residence for the origin of the travel activities.
迁徙不具有时间上的暂时性和复杂的社会性 Migration has no temporary and complex social attributes.
迁徙是人类通过空间移动来变换生存环境而得以生息与繁衍的生存方式 Migration is the survival and reproduction of human beings through space movement to change the living environments.