【单选题】What is learned about the speaker?
His business is organizing conferences.
He made a conference presentation recently.
He plans to attend a conference at the end of the month.
His company plans to interview job candidates at a conference.
【单选题】The prisoner pleaded that he ______ allowed to see his family, who did not know of his conviction.
【单选题】The judge ______ him to spend all his days in prison, for he killed his wife.
【单选题】Country I and country II has the same technology. To produce 1 unit of cloth needs 1 unit of capital and 3 units of labor while to produce 1 unit of food needs 3 units of capital and 1 units of labor....
【单选题】一个数据库至少有1个文件组,这个文件组名是( )。
【简答题】当韦尔奇于 80 年代初接手通用电气时 , 美国正面临着日本、韩国等企业的强大竞争 , 不少行业在进口产品的冲击下不断衰落 , 例如钢材、纺织、造船、家电、汽车等 , 韦尔奇上任伊始 , 对公司的状况极为不满 , 认为公司染上了不少美国大公司都有的 “恐龙症” , 机构臃肿、部门林立、等级森严、层次繁多、程序复杂、严重、反应迟钝等 , 在日本、德国等竞争对手面前束手无策、节节败退。为了改变...
【判断题】Needs of capital market participants have strongly shaped the development of accounting practice.