【简答题】交际英语,完成对话。请注意有一项是多余的。 A. Do you sleep well? B. Do you do exercise? C. Do you often have breakfast? D. What's the matter, madam? E. You are not ill. F. When did you start? A: 1 B: I feel weak. I can ha...
【简答题】下列对文中加点词语的相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是 (3 分 ) A. 贞元,年号。年号是我国从汉朝初年开始使用的封建王朝用来纪年的一种名号,古代帝王凡遇到大事、要事,常常要更改年号。 B. 明经,汉朝出现的选举官员的科目,始于汉武帝时期,至宋神宗时期废除。被推举者须明习经学,故以“明经”为名。 C. 谥号是朝廷对死去的帝王、大臣、贵族 ( 包括其它地位很高的人 ) 、平民按其生平事迹进行评定后,...
【单选题】A hardware distributor has regional warehouses at the locations shown below. The company wants to locate a new central distribution center to serve this warehouse network. If weekly shipments to each ...
【单选题】Managers Wanted Posting Date: Oct. 14th, 2007. Nestle East Coast Distribution Center is currently looking for qualified managers to work in several retail stores in the North America market. We have b...