【简答题】患者,女性, 52 岁。乏力、多尿伴体重减轻 2 年余。 2 年前开始,无明显诱因出现全身无力,排尿增多(排尿量约 2000~3000ml/24h ),无明显心悸、多汗症状。发病以来,食欲佳,睡眠尚可,体重减轻 5 千克。既往无服用特殊药物史。查体: T36.8 °C , P76 次 / 分, R16 次 / 分, BP135/85mmHg ,身高 160 cm,体重70kg。神志清,营养中等,浅...
【单选题】If a person weighs 68kg on Earth, about how heavy would he or she feel on Mars?
【简答题】(6-9)定义了如下Person类,下面( )程序段能够正确初始化Person数组。 class Person{ private String name; public Person(String name){ this.name=name; } }A. Person [ ] list=new Person[ ]{new Person("孙悟空"),new Person("猪八戒")}; ...
【简答题】A.means B.counts C.says D.weighs
【简答题】The present trophy weighs just under ______ kilograms.
【单选题】A mass of sugar that weighs 6 kg in California will weigh about 6 kg in Canada or Germany, an evidence______that the force of gravitation in each place is practically the same.
【简答题】The postal worker weighs your package, then you pay the shipping cost.