【简答题】以下关于潮汐的解释,最恰当的是( )。 A、潮汐是由太阳的引潮力作用而产生的海面有规律性的涨落现象 B、潮汐是由地球自身的引力作用而产生的海面周期性的涨落现象 C、潮汐是由天体的引潮力而产生的海面周期性的涨落现象 D、潮汐是由太阳和月亮的引潮力而产生的海面涨落现象
【单选题】降水变率是降水平均偏差与多年平均降水量的百分比,是衡量降水稳定程度的指标。读我国某地降水变率等值线的分布图,回答问题。 b盆地的小麦品质好且产量高,主要是b盆地()
【简答题】阅读理解I teach economics at Harvard (哈佛大学) three times per week. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had...
【单选题】It may be debated whether individual neurons are 'tuned' to react to only a single tastant such as salt or sugar-and therefore signal only one taste quality-or whether the activity in a given neuron c...
illustrating the extent to which the physiological principles behind taste mirror those behind vision
contrasting the available evidence for the labeled-line and across-neuron theories of taste
describing the evolution of theories concerning the neurological mechanisms which determine taste
demonstrating the superiority of holistic models over component models in analyzing neuron function
showing that individual neurons play a negligible role in the physiological mechanisms of perception
【单选题】潮汐发电是利用潮汐水库,涨潮时蓄水、落潮时利用其( )发电。
【简答题】降水变率是降水平均偏差与多年平均降水量的百分比,是衡量降水稳定程度的指标。读我国某地降水变率等值线的分布图,回答问题。 小题1:下列说法正确的是 A.降水量越大,降水变率越大 B.降水量越小,降水变率越大 C.降水变率与降水量大小无关 D.降水变率与降水量呈正相关 小题2:关于a、b两地的叙述,正确的是 A.a地受地形影响,降水量比b地少 B.a地受西风影响,降水量比b地多 C.a地降水变率数值介...