【单选题】As to whether a higher minimum wage will cause job losses, the author thinks it's something of
【单选题】Rising job losses are likely to _______ future sales.
【单选题】In addition to job losses, what stands in the way of unhappy couples getting a divorce?
Mounting family debts.
A Sense of insecurity.
Difficulty in getting a loan.
Falling housing prices.
【单选题】In the 18th century many British politicians favored friendship with Prussia because they thought that the Prussian army was ______ to the British navy.
【简答题】It was ________ that there would be job losses.
【单选题】史料实证——经济格局变动 据唐代天宝年间统计的全国户口数字,秦岭、淮河以南地区的户数占45%,以北占到55%;据北宋《太平寰宇记》所载北宋初期全国户数,秦岭、淮河以南地区的户数占59.1%,以北则为40.9%。这一变化( )