【简答题】请大家简述个人家乡(具体参考如下) 家乡印象90S 主题:人、地、物(家乡、景观、产业等) 内容:宏观或微观,包含但不限于如下细节。区位、特征之最、历史、民族、经济产业、科教文卫、交通、旅游资源、个人体会等。 形式:图文(ppt)+讲解 时间:≤90秒,每次课的第二节进行,15-20名同学。 评估依据:典型性、科学性、逻辑性 提交形式:图文(ppt),命名:姓名-家乡 注意:本作业请大家简述家乡。...
【单选题】Modernism rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. It is a literary school lasted from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of WWII. Which expression is wrong in the followings...
Modernism describes the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature.
Modernism exposes sterility and futility, shows man’s frustration and disillusion, and searches for salvation and spiritual regeneration.
Modernism is a strong and conscious break with the past, by rejecting the moral, religious and cultural values of the past.
Modernists write poems of impersonal beauty; poems with a dream-like effect, showing a sense of uncertainty about the world around the poet and his attempt to escape from reality.
【单选题】showing uncertainty or slowness about whether to act
【简答题】What is ________ topic?—Hmm, I GUESS today’s topic is.....verbs? 2 I THINK that works. And what about uncertainty- showing that you are not ________ about something? 3. Sure. I GUESS that works! Noun ...
【简答题】某生产企业为增值税一般纳税人(位于市区),主要经营内销和出口业务,2010年4月实际缴纳增值税40万元,出口货物免抵税额4万元。另外,进口货物缴纳增值税17万元,缴纳消费税30万元。该企业2010年4月应纳城市维护建设税t( )万元。