【单选题】3/7、5/14、7/28、9/56、( )、13/224
【单选题】听力原文:M: I believe you have a 1982 Toyota for sale. W: That's fight. M: Can I ask you a few questions about it? W: Sure. What would you like to know? M: Well, what condition is it in? W: It's in good c...
【单选题】听力原文:Woman: I'm sorry I'm late again. I ran out of gas. Can you believe it? Man: You should take the bus. Then you wouldn't have to worry about gas or flat tires or anything like that. Or, even better...
【多选题】患者男性,18岁。气喘2日,每年春秋季有类似发作,体温36.5℃,端坐呼吸,两肺广泛哮鸣音,白细胞7.6×10 9 /L,N68%,E12%,L20%。提示:IgE900IU/ml。下列有关IgE增高的临床意义正确的是().
【单选题】292 929÷161 616×112=( )。