【多选题】To make cooperative learning a success, there must be some kind of "glue" that holds the group together. Group members .
must feel they need one another and want to help each other learn
must have a personal stake in the success of the group
must have the skills necessary to make the group work effectively must have the skills necessary to make the group work effectively
can regularly analyze the group's strengths and weaknesses to make adjustments as needed
【单选题】以上各项中,依据左右配穴法取穴的是( )
【单选题】在 pH 为 10.0 的氨性缓冲溶液中,以 0.01mol·L -1 EDTA 滴定同浓度 Zn 2+ 溶液两份。其中一份含有 0.2 mol·L -1 游离 NH 3 ;另一份含有 0.5 mol·L -1 游离 NH 3 。在上述两种情况下,对 pZn′ 叙述正确的是
【判断题】在空调工程中,常采用射流的质量平均流速。( )
【单选题】A注册会计师是J公司2005年度会计报表审计的外勤审计负责人,在审计过程中,需对负责销售与收款循环审计的助理人员提出的相关函证问题予以解答,并对其编制的有关审计工作底稿进行复核。请代为做出正确的专业判断。 针对被审计单位在采用收取手续费方式委托代销商品时,审计建议其确认商品销售收入的时点为( )。