【单选题】The bus in a computer is an example of which form of communication?
【单选题】1959 年,( )提出了 “ 随机漫步理论 ” ,认为股票价格的变化类似于化学中的分子 “ 布朗运动 ” 。
【简答题】把 5 块巧克力全部分给小丽、小明、小红,每人至少分 1 块。有多少种分法?
【简答题】把5块巧克力全部分给小丽、小明、小红,每人至少分得1块,有( )种分法。
【单选题】The 4 maxims of Cooperative Principle are the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of manner and the maxim of relation. Which maxim do the following utterances violate? 1. a: Mrs. White ...
【单选题】The 4 maxims of Cooperative Principle are the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of manner and the maxim of relation. Which maxim do the following utterances violate respectively? a: M...