【单选题】Which sentence about ethics is not correct?
Ethics refer to the rules we use to determine good and evil.
Ethical rules may be grounded in cultural traditions.
If you do not follow the ethical rules in speaking, you risk losing your credibility.
Ethical concern is not an issue in publis speaking.
【单选题】Which issue is considered from the legal approach?
If a bureau merely refers a visitor to its list of members or destination partners, its legal responsibility is significantly reduced.
The CVB must represents all its members or partners in a fair and balanced way. If they don' t do this, they might cause ethical issues.
If the customer really wants to know the “best” places, the smart CVB representative will ask a number of questions to make a balance.
【多选题】整容虽好,但不是每个人都适合整容,下列哪些人群不适合整容手术?( )
【单选题】重庆市 2016 年各月的平均气温 ( °C ) 数据的茎叶图如图所示,则这组数据的中位数是 ( )
【多选题】以下属于上海四大历史文化名镇的有( )。
【单选题】不能使一个关系从第1范式转化为第2范式的条件是( )。
【简答题】Look at it this way: if we improve ( ) our brand image by launching a new line of ethical products, it is going to address ( ) the trust issue.
【判断题】在关系模式 R 中,如果 R 的每个属性都是不可分解的原子属性,则称 R 是第2范式的关系。