【单选题】As is known to all, China _______the group of developing countries.
【单选题】Helicopters are set to motion by means of______.
one rotating fan in the centre of the aircraft and others at each end
a rotating fan underneath for lifting
a rotating device on top
a combination of rotating devices in front and on top
【单选题】China is a developing country, _____ to the third world. [ ]
【简答题】“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”说明教师应该具有一定的( )。
【单选题】What is a rotating item?()
A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification,and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.
A rotating item is a set of items that are defined with a specific code. An item is designated as rotating because one does not want to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.
A rotating item is a set of kits that are defined with a specific description and GL. An item is designated as rotating because one has the single cost to manage prefers to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the assembly record.
A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number and can be a spare part. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create multiple asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item set records.
【单选题】What must be assigned to establish an asset as Rotating?()
【单选题】在法律为思想道德提供制度保障过程中,( ) 可以将思想道德有机融入法律体系,使法律具有鲜明道德导向,让法治成为良法善治。
【单选题】在法律为思想道德提供制度保障过程中,( )有助于增强人们信守法律的思想道德水平,引导人们自觉履行法定义务、家庭责任、社会责任。