【简答题】Life in Darwin (in the far north of Australia) had always been free and easy. From May to October, the weather was the best. Tourists arrived in large numbers from the south to (1) the winter cold. Ho...
【简答题】Mark often attempts to escape _____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. (A) having been fined (C) to have been fined (B) to be fined (D) being fined
【简答题】Life in Darwin (in the far north of Australia ) had always been free and easy. From May to October, the weather was the best. Tourists arrived in large numbers from the south to (1) the winter cold. H...
【单选题】新课程的培养目标应体现时代要求。要使学生( )。 1 具有爱国主义、集体主义精神,热爱社会主义,具有社会主义民主法制意识 2 逐步形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,具有社会责任感 3 具有初步的创新精神、实践能力、科学和人文素养以及环境意识 4 具有适应终身学习的基础知识、基本技能和方法,具有健壮的体魄和良好的心理素质
【单选题】下列对实践概念的理解,正确的有( ) 1实践的主体、对象、手段都具有客观物质性 2实践是一种直观现实性活动 3实践是一种纯主观的活动 4实践既是客观的、又是主观的
【单选题】科索沃战争中,北约军队网络通信一度陷入瘫痪,美海军“尼米兹”号航母上有的计算机系统也遭到病毒攻击瘫痪 ( ) 个多小时 。
【单选题】What is the one word that summarizes a successful media relations program?