【单选题】Matt must send a refusal letter to Ryan, who recently interviewed for a joB. Which of the following will be the best closing? ( )
If you have any questions, Ryan, please do not hesitate to call me.
If you had the required five years' experience in social work, we could have included you in the final slate of candidates.
Again, Ryan, we truly regret being unable to offer you this position.
We wish you all the best in your job search.
【单选题】甲省某油田的油井分别位于甲省和乙省,8月位于甲省的油井生产原油20万吨,位于乙省的油井生产原油5万吨,当月用于加热、修井的原油0.5万吨,按产量分摊。该企业将所产原油全部销售,该油田原油税额10元/吨。则在甲省应纳资源税是( )。
【单选题】甲省的孙某欲从事从甲省至乙省的省际旅客运输业务,根据规定,孙某应当向( )递交申请书。
【单选题】李某拟从甲省A县引进20头种猪到乙省B县饲养,负责审批的机构是( )
【单选题】Matt must send a refusal letter to Ryan, who recently interviewed for a job. Which of the following will be the best closing?
If you have any questions, Ryan, please do not hesitate to call me.
If you had the required five years' experience in social work, we could have included you in the final slate of candidates.
Again, Ryan, we truly regret being unable to offer you this position.
We wish you all the best in your job search.
【单选题】有人说,举行价格听证会是 “有形的手”和“无形的手”真诚握手,这里握手的双方是( )。