【判断题】Over-reliance on paraphrasing the original sources in one’s academic writing can be considered unintentional plagiarism.
【判断题】D efini tion in academic writing can control the meaning and scope of important terms.
【判断题】Academic writing can use both objective and subjective language.
【判断题】Academic writing can be subjective and emotional in some cases.
【单选题】当前我国土地利用中最突出的问题有:1占用基本农田发展林果业 2滥伐森林,植被减少 3过度放牧,土地荒漠化严重 4人口增长过快,造成房源短缺,不得不占用耕地开拓房源 5占用农田挖塘养鱼
【多选题】Hedging in academic writing can be achieved by _______.
using adverbial constructions
【判断题】Academic writing can use both objective and subjective language.
【简答题】我国各类土地资源,不仅比例构成不合理,而且分布不均。读“我国北方和南方水土资源的比较表”,回答题。 水资源(%) 耕地资源(%) 北方 20 60 南方 80 40 小题1:我国水土资源的分布特点是 A.南方地多水少 B.南方地多水多 C.北方地多水少 D.北方地少水多 小题2:有专家预言,水资源短缺将成为人类21世纪面临的最为严重的资源问题。下列做法能够有效解决我国缺水问题并且符合可持续发展原则...