Michael: Does Catherine know? Caleb: No. No, I don’t think she’d care right now, to tell you the truth. She hasn’t been taking too well to this whole love dare thing. Michael: But you’re not done yet, right? Caleb: No, I’m day 21 out of 40. But I’ll be honest with you. Up to this point ... my heart’s not been in it. Michael: That’s what 1._______ A woman can tell when you’re just going through the motions. Caleb: That’s 2. ________ right. Hey, let me ask you a question. Michael: Go ahead. Caleb: How did you get off to such a good start with Tina? Why is it so easy for you? Michael: Oh, it’s not always been easy. Marriage takes work, man. Tina is a(n) 3. _________ wife. But we learned a lot of lessons the hard way. Caleb: At least you haven’t had to face 4.________. Michael: I wish that were true. Caleb: What does that mean? You and Tina have been 5._________ that much? Michael: Not me and Tina. But I did with my first wife. Caleb: What? You were married to someone before Tina? MMichael: For one 6.________ year. I got married for the wrong reasons. Then I turned around and got a divorce for the wrong reasons. Man, I thought I was just 7._______ my heart. Caleb: Michael, I’ve worked with you for five years. You’ve never told me that. Michael: Because I’m not proud of it. It was before I gave my life to the Lord ... and, man, I was just only 8.________________ my rights and my needs. Man, I ruined her life. But when I gave my life to God, I tried to findher, but she’d already remarried. So believe me when I tell you I got a big scar. Man, God made marriage to be for life. That’s why you gotta keep 9. __________ to Catherine. You gotta beg God to teach you how to be a good husband. And don’t just follow your heart, man, because your heart can be10. __________. But you gotta lead your heart.