【判断题】预应力混凝土后张法施工,混凝土是通过预应力钢筋与混凝土的粘结力获得预应力。( )
【单选题】Nobody believed his reason for his being absent from class ___ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. [ ]
【多选题】以下属于部分预应力混凝土的缺点的是:( )
【单选题】Nobody believed his reason for being absent for
33.Nobody believed his reason for being absent formthe class he had to meet his uncle at the air port. (重庆) A.why
【简答题】戴维毕业于加拿大的英属哥伦比亚大学,主修英语运用语言学,研究方向第二语言学习策略 Mr. David has graduated from the University of British Columbia ,___________applied linguistic and does research on learning strategies of second language.