【简答题】根据网络的作用范围,计算机网络都有哪些类别? 其中哪类网络为Inertnet核心网?
【单选题】听力原文:Where's the nearest drugstore? (A) There's one across the street. (B) It's on your desk, I think. (C) Until eleven, most of the time. (11)
【单选题】听力原文:Where's the restroom, please? (A) At the hotel, before dinner. (B) In the lounge, waiting for you. (C) Down the hall, to your left. (23)
【单选题】听力原文:Where's the ticket counter? (A) She counted five tickets. (B) I lost my ticket. (C) It's on the ground floor. (20)
【单选题】最新的 《党政机关公文处理条例》确定政府机关法定公文有多少种 :()
【单选题】听力原文:Where's the annual gathering being held? (A) At year end, like always. (B) On the 25th, most likely. (C) At the new resort, I heard. (38)