【单选题】Lesson 5 词汇拓展-词汇选择-5 _______ is the position that issues route clearances to aircraft, typically before they commence taxiing. These clearances contain details of the route that the aircraft is expect...
【多选题】生产车间固定资产计提本月负担的折旧40000元。会计人员编制的会计凭证为:借:管理费用 40 000贷:累计折旧 40 000 。会计人员已根据以上会计凭证登记入账。分析错账的类型,并予以更正。
更正时,做一张与错误凭证完会一样的红字凭证,并据以入账。借:管理费用 40000(红字) 贷:累计折旧 40000(红字)。
更正的第二步是根据经济业务做一张正确的记账凭证,并据以入账。借:制造费用 40000 贷:累计折旧 40000.
they searched, they
in a notebook details of all the things they found.(write down)
【简答题】As they searched, they in a notebook details of all the things they found.
【单选题】通过本课程的学习,评价自己对 线性定常连续系统离散化 的掌握情况。
【简答题】病历摘要:男性,21岁,咽部不适3周,浮肿、尿少1周。 3周前咽部不适,轻咳,无发热,自服氟哌酸不好。近1周感双腿发胀,双眼睑浮肿,晨起时明显,同时尿量减少,200~500ml/d,尿色较红。于外院查尿蛋白(++),RBC、WBC不详,血压增高,口服"阿莫仙"、"保肾康"症状无好转来诊。发病以来精神、食欲可,轻度腰酸、乏力,无尿频、尿急、尿痛、关节痛、皮疹、脱发及口腔溃疡,体重3周来增加6kg。既...
【单选题】通过本课程的学习,评价自己对 对偶系统、对偶原理 的掌握情况。
【单选题】Only details or things that contribute to bringing out the main ideas of the narrative are useful and effective when selecting details。
【简答题】We need to pay more attention to the details especially trivial things.