【单选题】Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up(71)at the customer premise over slow(72)ports. PPP was designed to run directly over the...
【单选题】为了控制人口数量和提高人口素质,我国把下列哪一项列为一项基本国策 [ ]
【简答题】下列哪一项是促进健康行为的关键?() A家庭行为 B医院行为 C社区行为 D政府行为
【多选题】在下列选项中,属于 Internet 功能的是
文件传输 . 全双工通信方式需要的设备最简单
【单选题】Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up(71)at the customer premise over slow(72)ports. PPP was designed to run directly over the...
【单选题】mysqli_query ( $con , "set names gb2312" )这行代码的作用是