【单选题】已知双曲线 的实轴长为2,则该双曲线的离心率为( )
【简答题】若双曲线 的实轴长、虚轴长、焦距成等差数列,则双曲线的离心率为__________.
【单选题】设 , 分别为双曲线 的左,右焦点.若在双曲线右支上存在一点 ,满足 ,且 到直线 的距离等于双曲线的实轴长,则该双曲线的离心率为( )
【单选题】Among Yu’s helpers in the process of his flood taming,who offered a map?
the water god of Huanghe
【单选题】双曲线 的实轴长是虚轴长的 倍,则 ( )
【单选题】Upon completing his examination over the patient, the doctor offered his judgment of her conditions.
【单选题】His classmates offered him their congratulations ______ his successful performance.
【单选题】The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.