【单选题】Language varieties that are appropriate for use in particular speech situations such as formal and informal situations are called
【单选题】患者,男性,44岁,盆腔炎静脉输液治疗后三天,从静脉注射部位沿静脉走向出现条索状红线及红、肿、热、痛等症状时宜( ) [单选题]
【单选题】Choose the phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part. The third section describes quantization schemes that take account of the characteristics of speech .
take measure of the speech characteristics
take the speech characteristics into consideration
count the speech characteristics
make use of the speech characteristics
【简答题】古希腊、古罗马文明是世界古代文明中非常有特色的文明成就。阅读材料,回答问题: 材料一 只有珍视法律,令那些不遵守法律、存心颠覆现政权的分子罢手,我们才能强大起来......我们不仅要在制定法律时始终考虑如何使法律为民主制度服务,而且当立法工作完成后......还要遵守我们所颁布的法律,并且严惩那些违法分子。 伊斯科奈斯(公元前4世纪雅典演说家) 材料二 罗马曾三次征服世界,第一次是以武力,第二次是...
【单选题】Laurence came out ______ in the speech contest.
【单选题】Anti-climax is also frequently used in the third type of speech,which is
【简答题】the third speech uses_____ to start the speech
【单选题】中国诗词都讲究比兴,钟爃在“诗品”中说:“文已尽而意有余,兴也。因物喻志,比也。” 刘勰在《文心雕龙》中说:“故比者,附也。兴者,起也。附理者切类以指事,起情者依微以拟议。起情故兴体以立,附理故比例以生。” 有深度的文学作品必须要有“义”、有“讽”、有“比兴”。数学亦如是。我们在寻求真知时,往往只能凭已有的经验,因循研究的大方向,凭我们对大自然的感觉而向前迈进,这种感觉是相当主观的,因个人的文化修...