You remember things every day, but how do you do it? You find a number in the phone book, dial it and the forget it. Thisisyourshort-termmemory. It lasts less than 30 seconds. However, you don’t look in the phone book for you best friend’s number. You know it. This is long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything that you remember. Whydoyouforgetsomething?Whatisthereason?You didn’t learn it in the beginning. This isthemajorreasonforforgetting.Butyoucanrememberbetter.Here aresomeideas. 1) Moveinformationfrom your short-memory to your long-term memory. Practice the information. Spend your time on it.2) Besurethatyouunderstandtheinformation.3) Do only one thing at a time. Study in a quiet place. Youcannotlistentomusicand memorize at the same time.4) Trytoconnectthenewinformationwithsomethingyoualreadyknow.5) Divide the information into parts. Do not have more than seven parts. Learn one part and stop a few minutes. Don’t try to learn all thepartsatthesametime.6) Makeapictureinyourmind.Forexample,whenyoulearn the word SOFA, make a picture in your mind of this furniture.Rememberwhatitlookslike.7) Trytorelaxwhenyoustudy.Enjoyit.Question 19. Tomakesurethatyourlong-termmemorykeepswhatyouremember,youneed_______.
not to look in the phone book.
to practice and understand it.
not to forget listening to music.
to learn all parts at one time.
to practice your short-term memory.