【多选题】How to describe a person with an athletic body? (ABCD)
【单选题】( )is used to describe a person who has good digestion.
【单选题】We describe a person who thinks he is important as______.
【多选题】which words can be used to describe a person?
【判断题】十二经脉是气血运行的主要通道,左右对称,实际是十二对24条。( )
【单选题】You can use ___ to describe a person with confidence.
【单选题】关于燃油表检修,甲说在安装传感器时,与油箱搭铁必须良好,乙说传感器的电阻末端必须搭铁,这样可以避免因滑片与电阻解除不良时产生火花而引起火灾,你认为以上观点( )
【单选题】please use a word to describe a person who works hard.